lab 87 - mux for nintendo ds


lab 87 - mux for nintendo ds


In an earlier post I talked about updating mux to 4th edition Inferno in the hope of one day running it on a Nintendo DS.

Well, Inferno is now booting on the DS so I got to try it for real.

I started with getting the mux window manager working in standard inferno. Then I changed the resolution down to 256x192 and tried to get everything to fit. The files in this lab include the version of mux I ended up putting in the nds file running on the DS.

Things to try if you download it. Rocker moves up and down selection. 'A' key enters, 'B' key backs out back up to the higher level. 'Start' key returns to the top level menu.

Try Today's Newspaper, and The Thisburgh has the only working graphic. Under news, click through to actually read an article. Under games, try connect4. Audio control would look cool if any of the graphics actually came in. The Financial Reports gives a ticker. It scrolls slowly only because of the sleep interval in the code is incorrect.

If you want to try this version of mux using hosted inferno just remember you need to compile prefab into your emu. Include prefab in the mod and lib sections of your emu config file, also uncomment prefab in the /libinterp/mkfile.

Mux uses irsim for key controls. I changed my local inferno-ds code to have the DS keys output the same characters as used by irsim.

The files in this lab include the movies and tvlist apps and their data. The data didn't fit on the 4MB .nds file. But they will fit when we get the GBA ROM or dldi interface working.

I think mux is a good path to follow for DS development. It's small, starts quickly, uses the keys effectively since it was designed for remote controls, the programs are easy to understand, and they hit most of the applications I'd like to start with, small games, news reader, email reader, simple database browser (movies, tvlist), and audio.


code for lab 87


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