A couple of IAF utilities


lab 82 - iaf2txt and iaf2wav


Currently, a couple of my friends and I are playing a little with human voices. For this purpose I wrote two applications to convert iaf files to plain text and to the wav audio format. Both apps support the standard iaf files as described in audio(6), except for the encoding: only PCM is supported for now.

Why in the world would one need a text file converted from an iaf? Well... text files are easier to handle with data analysis software like the R programming language. I know MATLAB supports working with wav files directly, but there are mainly two reasons I needed an iaf to txt converter:

1. I do no use MATLAB.

2. When I wrote the iaf2txt app there was not an iaf to wav converter.

Maybe R can handle wav files directly, but I do not know.

I am not really sure if I need a text to iaf converter, but I am thinking about this issue. So far I do not need one.


lab 82 code

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