lab 61 - javascript tool


lab 61 javascript tool


In this lab I wanted to get a standalone javascript interpreter for general scripting use within inferno.

[Deleted a section on reasons why I'd want to do this based on the mix of languages already available--it's not that interesting and is just me trying to rationalize why I like javascript]

There is already a javascript interpreter in inferno as part of the charon web browser. All I'd need to do is add a small set of host objects to interface with the OS.

In this lab I haven't included all the host objects I'd want; not even a fraction. This is just the setup, the beginnings of a javascript tool. The only host object I've added is System which contains three functions: getline, print, and readFile. Getline reads a line from stdin and returns it as a string. Print writes a string to stdout. ReadFile reads the in the contents of a file and returns it as a string.

Suggestions on what the host objects to add are welcome.

Here is an example script showing how to call the tool, called js.

% cat t1.js
function f(n) {
 return n * 2;

var s;
while((s = System.getline()))
 System.print(s + f(1));

% echo a | js -f t1.js



Tony said…
I think what would be interesting would be to embed the JS runtime within the HTTP server, and expose a set of host objects that allowed for one to interact, through Javascript, with the HTTP environment.
caerwyn said…
I agree! In fact I did this for work using Rhino embedded in a servlet so I could write javascript to glue together java libraries and generate web pages quickly while doing exploratory programming.

The same would be true with inferno's js if a nice interface existed to loadable modules like it does for rhino.
Unknown said…
I know this is falling off the edge into ancient data, but I would think that if you were to start this again today you'd likely find the work of node.js to be of use at least as a reference for the objects to create...

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