lab 25 - accumulator generator


lab 25 - Accumulator Generator


The problem by Paul Graham is stated here and I quote

Write a function foo that takes a number n and returns a function that takes a number i, and returns n incremented by i.

I thought I'd attempt it in sh (I'm already assuming it's not possible in limbo). Here's my first attempt, which is wrong.

     % subfn foo {
      result={i:=$1; n=`{fc $n $i +}; echo $n}
     % n := 0
     % x=${foo 3}
     % $x 1

The problem is we can't create another accumulator generator in the same scope, since it will overwrite the variable n. Sh uses dynamic variable binding instead of lexical binding, as used by lisp.

The shell paper /doc/ mentions the issue and proposes a workaround but it doesn't really solve the stated problem. Here's a solution that incorporates the workaround.

     % subfn foo {
      x:= '{i:=$1; $'$n'=`{fc $$'$n' $i +}; echo $$'$n'}'
      result = ${parse $"x}
     % n := 1
     % x=${foo n}
     % $x 1

Now we're passing the name of a variable rather than the number. We can now create a number of accumulator generators. However, the syntax is ugly, and it's not something we'd want to code often. This seems a pity.


The problem is intended to emphasize the features of LISP, and in particular lexical binding and higher order functions. Indirectly it illustrates Greenspun's Rule:

Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad hoc, informally specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of common lisp.

Put another way, the limit case for implementing the accumulator generator in sh is to turn it into a lisp dialect by, say, writing a shell builtin to evaluate a lisp type expression, or add lexical binding to the shell. It's interesting to note, from reading about lisp recently, that lisp used dynamic binding until the introduction of scheme during the 1970s, and all dialects of lisp eventually adopted it.


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