lab 57 - createuser
NAME lab 57 - createuser NOTES I've tried setting up some services for the Inferno community. See Getting Started on the Inferno wiki for how to create a user id. There is a public signer, registry, and kfs. If you mount the registry you might find a couple more. Use the certificates for your services too. You can create an id, get a certificate and announce some of your own services using the registry then anyone else using the same signer should be able to mount your service. Acme makes a remarkable collaborative environment. With wiki and irc clients and the shared kfs, a common naming convention for mounted services, it's a wonderful thing to type paths or commands using one or these channels and have others read and execute the commands. I hope these servcies and the Acme environment mean people interested in inferno and connect in new ways. Most of the services are commands that come with the standard Inferno. What I had to create for this experiment is the create