lab 8 - treemap
NAME lab 8 - small update to treemap. DESCRIPTION Tmap is a small util that takes the output of du and presents a treemap using algorithms from UMD HCILab To make it a bit more useful I want to zoom into the treemap and zoom out again. Button one selects a rectangle highlights it and it's path and presents information about the path and file sizes. Button two zooms one level into the selected area, where the mouse clicked. Button three zooms out one level. This was easy to add using Tk. I bind a command to the mouse events and send a message down a channel. On receiving the message I change the root of the tree, regenerate the layout and redraw the rectangles. CONCLUSION I find this a useful tool to find patterns in disk usage, such as large or duplicate files. Often the file hierachies are very deep, and so drilling down interactively is great. I should re-implement